Receding Gums

Operation Duration
1 Hour
Anesthesia Type
Local Anesthesia
Average Session Required
Recovery Time
1 Week

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Healthy gums are pink. If this color turns red and starts bleeding during brushing, it is time to go to the dentist.
Receding gums; It can occur even within months when the tartar, which is formed as a result of the hardening of the minerals in the saliva, which was initially soft on the tooth surface as a result of the bacteria plaque not being removed from the tooth surface. Even if there is no decay in the teeth as a result of gingival recession, tooth loss is inevitable.
Gingival recession is a gum disease. Brushing technique and oral care are very important. People with gum disease apply to the dentist by complaining about bleeding, bad breath, and the intense red color of their gums while brushing. Early intervention to a person with gum disease is life-saving. Early diagnosis leads to tooth loss due to later bone resorption, or even to the absence of bone to perform implant treatment in late cases.
In the presence of advanced gum disease; After the comprehensive treatment performed by the perodontologist, it is possible to extend the life of the teeth with a simple tartar cleaning in routine controls to be performed at certain intervals. Otherwise, the progression of this disease; It starts with minor sensitivity in the tooth, swaying and follow-up may cause the necessity of tooth extraction.
At this stage, early intervention is important, and the brushing technique recommended by the dentist should be corrected with the brush and paste and 6-month dentist controls should not be neglected.